Amanda Haeg, D.C., MS, ATC, PES

Amanda Haeg, D.C., MS, ATC, PES

At Cadence Chiropractic, we believe that you deserve the highest standard of health care. Eden Prairie chiropractors Dr. Aleshka Calderon-Santini and Dr. Amanda Haeg are constantly seeking to improve themselves, making sure that you receive the most advanced and effective chiropractic care available.

Getting you results is our primary focus, and to do so, we use a modern technique called the Pierce Results System of Analysis. It’s extremely precise and provides measurable outcomes, allowing your progress to be examined along the way. There’s no popping or twisting involved, either — it’s gentle and noninvasive. We’re the only office in the upper Midwest that utilizes this system of analysis, which includes motion X-Ray to give us a thorough understanding of your body’s movement patterns.

All ages are welcome at our practice, and we love to see families being proactive about their health. Babies and children can especially see incredible benefits from chiropractic care, as it gets them on the right track early in life.

Categories: Chiropractor

Cadence Chiropractic

6409 City W Parkway, #105
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 

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Mon. & Wed. (8:00 - 11:00, 3:00 - 6:00) Tues. & Thurs. (11:00 - 3:00)


952-855-7656 (Main)

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